Our Story
Fólk was formed in Leeds, in 2018 and we’re proud to stay true to our Yorkshire roots with the majority of our revenue generated from assignments with local businesses. We in turn invest in the communities we operate, always using locally based Associates (when required) and Suppliers.
We have successfully recruited in other parts of the country - including Manchester, the East Midlands and London – and whilst our clients can vary wildly in terms of their size, industry sector or where they’re based, the core thread is that every piece of business is earned through recommendation or referral.
Our Approach


Fólk have a hands-on approach to all that we do. We’re honest, approachable and genuine.

Our success is built upon our deeply established, core networks across the North of the UK. Our networks extend into other areas of the country (in some cases via our peer network) and we’re proud to have helped a wealth of candidates relocate to new regions.

Over 50% of our revenue is generated by placing people from within our existing networks. That’s not to say we don’t work hard to source new candidates, using LinkedIn and the search tools on several career databases, as well as the more traditional advertising channels when required.

We don’t profess to be unique in our approach as we believe recruitment shouldn’t be complicated. We believe it’s about the depth of networks and being trusted to help individuals with their next career move, ensuring complete confidentiality.